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"The kind of energy we bring to a situation impacts the ways our interactions with the world unfold. Energy is contagious--that is the law of energy."

Michelle Tillis Lederman, 11 Laws of Likability 

"Often we are not even aware of the energy we ourselves are giving off. Energy impacts our communication, and it can either work for us or against us."

Michelle Tillis Lederman, 11 Laws of Likability 

"Authenticity comes from being true to the moment, in the moment. "

Michelle Tillis Lederman, 11 Laws of Likability

"It is far easier to make a good first impression than to change a bad one."

Michelle Tillis Lederman, 11 Laws of Likability 

"Our perceptions of others are our realities about them. This is the law of perception."

Michelle Tillis Lederman, 11 Laws of Likability 

"When you project your authentic self, people will respond to and connect with it."

Michelle Tillis Lederman, 11 Laws of Likability

"Embrace your possibilities, not your potential failures. You get what you expect."

Michelle Tillis Lederman, 11 Laws of Likability 

"When you frame your actions around what you fear and what you think you can't do, those are the results you'll achieve."

Michelle Tillis Lederman, 11 Laws of Likability 

"The glass is either half empty or half full, and remember that whatever your perspective, it is entirely your choice."

Michelle Tillis Lederman, 11 Laws of Likability 

"We all have that bully that appears on our shoulders, whispering nasty self-thoughts into our ears. On the opposite shoulder sits the cheerleader, the one who believes in our worth and reminds us of our successes, strengths, and goals."

Michelle Tillis Lederman, 11 Laws of Likability 

"We all talk to ourselves, and when we keep telling ourselves something we eventually begin to believe it."
The 11 Laws of Likability: Relationship Networking... Because People Do Business with People They Like - Michelle Tillis Lederman

-Michelle Tillis Lederman, 11 Laws of Likability

"The relationships that you genuinely care about are the ones that will form the strongest network you can build."
The 11 Laws of Likability: Relationship Networking... Because People Do Business with People They Like - Michelle Tillis Lederman

-Michelle Tillis Lederman, 11 Laws of Likability

"Making meaningful connections and growing relationships happens before you even meet someone."
The 11 Laws of Likability: Relationship Networking... Because People Do Business with People They Like - Michelle Tillis Lederman

-Michelle Tillis Lederman, 11 Laws of Likability

"Stay open to the possibility that a relationship may evolve over time. Have Patience."
The 11 Laws of Likability: Relationship Networking... Because People Do Business with People They Like - Michelle Tillis Lederman

-Michelle Tillis Lederman, 11 Laws of Likability

"Tapping into likability doesn't mean you have to be constantly perky and bright. It's about productive and authentic energy."
The 11 Laws of Likability: Relationship Networking... Because People Do Business with People They Like - Michelle Tillis Lederman

-Michelle Tillis Lederman, 11 Laws of Likability

"How you perceive others is your reality about them, and the same is true for them of you."
The 11 Laws of Likability: Relationship Networking... Because People Do Business with People They Like - Michelle Tillis Lederman

-Michelle Tillis Lederman, 11 Laws of Likability